“For someone who has no idea how to go about any of this, the class made it incredibly easy; it made me confident. Now I own a house that I love and I honestly could never have done it without this class.”

Maggie B. in Nashville, TN


Hey there! I’m Jessica Randolph, Founder of The How To Buy A House Class™.

After selling over $100 million in real estate over the course of a decade, I started to see a trend; everyone was so eager to be real estate savvy but had no proper education on how to do so. Many folks would rely on their parents or their friends for real estate advice (or even worse, the internet) and I knew there needed to be a better resource for local, accurate real estate advice. Buying a home is the most expensive thing anyone will ever buy! Why didn’t they teach us about this in high school? I decided something needed to change; enter “The How To Buy A House Class™.”

I started teaching this class in Nashville, TENN and my career has forever been changed. I have had hundreds of folks tell me that they never thought they’d be able to buy their own home, and now many of those class attendees have over $100k in equity! And guess what? You can do it, too. It all starts with educating yourself. Everyone deserves to own their own home and everyone deserves to learn how to do it the right way. Real estate can be a powerful vehicle to build long-term wealth and I am thrilled to bring the #1 Home Buying Class in the US to a city near you. Learn from a local expert in your city and take a free class today! Can’t attend class? Download our free app and listen to our podcast that is chop-full of incredible advice from experts all over the country. I hope class changes your life the way it’s changed mine and that you have a place of your own to call home.


Jessica Randolph


A house is so much more than just a place to rest your head at night.

  • Control Over Your Investment: Real estate is the only tangible investment where you can personally increase its value through improvements.
  • Building Equity: Not only are you paying towards a space that you get to enjoy, but you’re investing in an appreciating asset that can benefit you and your family for generations to come.

  • Diversification: Real estate offers portfolio diversification and stability.

  • Tax Advantages: Benefit from tax deductions on mortgage interest and property expenses.

  • Inflation Hedge: As rents and prices rise, your mortgage payment is locked in for the life of the loan.


Welcome to your one-stop shop for all things home-buying! Ditch the google search and find on-demand, legitimate, unbiased answers from real life experts across the nation. Want to learn the steps? Unsure of a real estate term? Needing home product recommendations? We’ve got you covered!